Don’t Miss Out on the Income Potential From Customized Consumer Installation Kits
Chemical Concepts is extremely proud to supply an extremely wide array of materials to help our business customers install nearly any type of undermount sink on the market.
But we also know that many consumers are willing to take a crack at this type of job themselves, as more people are updating their homes to make it more profitable to sell, or they want a more economical kitchen. These consumers would be more eager to try this type of job if they had a kit that make the job easier and more convenient for them. Is this a bad thing for companies who do these types of installations? It doesn’t have to be – you can be the hero to this type of customer by offering a consumer-based installation kit that’s completely customized with your company’s information. In other words, we do the work and you take the credit!
With all of the necessary sink-mounting essentials at a consumer-friendly price, our Chem-Set K4-E Under-Mounter kit and our Chem-Set K-4-SS Under-Mounter kit contains all of the necessary materials – plus instructions – to make under- mounting a piece of cake for the average guy who’s just trying to mark this particular item off of his “honey do” list. All kits come in a clear clamshell retailable package.
Chem-Set™ K4-E Sink Under-Mounter Kit for Natural Stone
What does the Chem-Set K4-E kit include?
These kits can be customizable depending on your specific needs, but generally the K4-E kits include:
- One tube of 633 25ml_5 Minute Epoxy Gel Adhesive.
- Four Chem-Set™ CC732G Stamped Metal Sink Clips.
- Four M1-B38-1/4 x 3/4 Male Bolted No Drill Sink Fasteners.
- Four USS Flat Washer 25R WUSLZ.
- Four 1/4 x 20 Stamped Wing Nuts.
- Two Polypro Plastic Mixing Cup.
- Two Wooden Mixing Sticks.
- An easy-to-follow instruction sheet.
Chem-Set™K-4-SS Sink Under-Mounter Kit for Solid Surfaces and Engineered Stone
What does the Chem-Set K-4-SS kit include?
These kits can also be customizable depending on your specific needs, but generally the K-4-SS kits include:
- One tube of 605 25ml_Acrylic Adhesive.
- Four Chem-Set™ CC732G Stamped Metal Sink Clips.
- Four M1-B38-1/4 x 3/4 Male Bolted No Drill Sink Fasteners.
- Four USS Flat Washer 25R WUSLZ.
- Four 1/4 x 20 Stamped Wing Nuts.
- Two Polypro Plastic Mixing Cup.
- Two Wooden Mixing Sticks.
- An easy-to-follow instruction sheet.
Both of these kits come packaged in a clear clam-shell package that’s perfectly suited for retail sales. The kits are also available packaged in different quantities, or there are other kits available if you browse the website.
What else does the consumer have to provide (along with this kit) for a successful undermount sink installation?
Let’s see. A pencil or marking pen. A paper plate. And a lint-free soft cloth. We’re pretty sure most homeowners will be pretty pleased if that’s all that they need to make using this kit a success.
Can these kits be customized for the particular needs of my customers? And can packaging reflect my company’s information?
Yes! Our sales team will be glad to discuss this process with you. There will be a minimum order required, and the price for these kits will vary upon the amount that’s ordered. Bigger quantities will receive better pricing.
Both of these kits can be customized for your particular needs.
And remember, these kits contain the Chemical Concepts Chem-Set products that you know and trust. You’re putting your company’s name on products that you know come with a good reputation.
Call our sales team today at 800-220-1966 or email us at sales@chemical-concepts.com. We will be glad to discuss the possibilities with you.