Branding the Best – Turf-Set and Sports & Play
Continuing our ‘Branding the Best’ series, where we pay homage to the very best in the adhesives world, we fix our glance in today’s blog on Chemical Concepts’ own Turf-Set/Sports & Play. One can’t deny the convenience and economic sensibility of artificial turfs over hard-to-maintain natural grass, a fact that has given rise to synthetic turfs and the products purposed to keep them in tip top shape. Turf-Set and Sports & Play do artificial turf and their accessories very well, and we’ll cover a few of these products in today’s blog.
Turf-Set, a creation of Chemical Concepts, has “fielded” the call for the maintenance of lasting and high-performing synthetic turfs. They’ve done this through a suite of products, like turf fabric seam tapes, rapid repair kits, and turf adhesives, all fashioned to add years but save money. These products aren’t just suitable for sports fields, but many other surfaces like putting greens, playgrounds, or anywhere else that’s taking advantage of the artificial field trend.
The Products
Perhaps the most popular product from Turf-Set is its Rapid Repair Kit, which is essentially a combination kit of several products and accessories. This kit includes several items that make it possible for any grounds person to make a quick yet quality repair on their sports field.
The kit includes a 400ml cartridge of Rapid Repair adhesive, a dispensing gun, a four pack of dispensing nozzles, 10 ft. roll of seaming tape, and a trowel.
The Rapid Repair Adhesive itself is a two-part, quickly setting adhesive designed specifically for the bonding of synthetic turf fabric. This can and is frequently used to both repair fields and install synthetic turf.
StadiumFix, a maintenance tool often leveraged by grounds people, is a great choice from Turf-Set to make high-performance repairs to fields. This sausage pack adhesive contains elastic properties that promote stress relaxation and vibration damping. It’s multi-purpose in the sense too that it provides excellent bonding to a vast majority of artificial turf types, not just a single fabric.
Seamstrip 6245/6345 – Turf-Set Seam Tape – These tapes are perfect complements to synthetic turf seams that must be secured for the long haul. Turf-Set Seam tape is a good general purpose seam tape fabric, packaged in a 110 ft. roll. As mentioned, Seam Tape is included in the Rapid Repair Kit from Turf-Set. Seamstrip 6245/6345, on the other hand, is best used with Stadiumfix adhesives in repairing bonds on synthetic turf seams.
If you’re realizing the trend toward artificial turf, and you like the benefits, like cost-effectiveness, convenience, and efficiency, reach out to our sales team for more information! – 800.220.1966
For other queries, you know that we’re always happy to do our best to point you in the right direction. With many years of customer service and industry know-how under our belts, it’s more than likely that we can help you get your project rolling with excellence!