Are You Prepared for Turf Repairs?
Now that the fall sports season is upon us, schools, colleges, sports facilities and more are seeing their artificial turf investments get used perhaps more than any other time of year.
Even though artificial turf is generally very low maintenance, it is subject to normal wear and tear…especially with heavy use. Here are some suggestions that you may want to keep on hand so you’re ready for repairs – whether minor or major – when the time comes.
The Easy Repairs
With regular usage, it’s not unusual for a synthetic turf infill to pull up and away from the seam. Be prepared and you’ll find that this fix is easy.
We recommend our Turf-Set Rapid Repair Adhesive for this type of repair. Simply run a small bead of the adhesive along the tear, press down firmly, and avoid walking on the area for a minimum of 24 hours.
The Larger Repairs
Sometimes you’re faced with a need for a larger repair on your synthetic turf. Big tears, seams splitting, or even burn marks from someone’s careless toss of a cigarette might require larger repairs, and even replacement of sizeable areas of turf. But the process can still be relatively easy with the high quality Turf-Set products available through Chemical Concepts.
Rick Firrera, turf product manager for Chemical Concepts, offers some advice for repairs that require inlays of replacement turf.
“We’ve introduced the TURF-SET Turf Rapid Repair Kit. It includes a two-part, self-mixing adhesive system with the adhesive cartridges, a specially designed gun-type applicator, applicator tips, seam tape and a notched trowel, along with easy-to-follow instructions. It’s classified as nonhazardous, so it can be delivered as an overnight shipment when necessary.”
Rick goes on with some thoughts about using adhesive and/or seam tape fabric for turf repairs.
“When gluing, use adequate amounts of the selected product and apply it according to directions. Trim any uneven edges while you’re doing the cleanup before you start working with the adhesive.
“When using a seam tape fabric, make sure it is rough (fuzzy) side up. Use a .25-inch, notched trowel to evenly spread the adhesive on rough tape; a 1/8-inch notched trowel to spread it on smooth turf backing. Place something relatively heavy, such as sandbags or bricks, on top of the repaired area to hold the turf in place while the adhesive cures. With our kit, we recommend removing the weights after two hours, based on ambient temperature of 75 degrees. Under 75 degrees, we suggest waiting three hours to play on the turf.”
For the more substantial repairs that require larger amounts of adhesive, our Chem-Set 718E/F clear synthetic turf seam adhesive is available in five gallons.
As Rick mentioned, overnight shipping is available on these materials should you run into an emergency repair situation and need the product right away. But we would be glad to talk you through the products that you can conveniently have on hand so you’re prepared at the moment that the fix is needed. Sports schedules can be hectic and brutal….our Chem-Set products can help you to keep repair times as short as possible so the fames can go on!
Find our complete lineup of Chem-Set products here.
Call us today – we’re happy to help! Our toll-free number is 800-220-1966. Or use our online contact form here.